Shilpa Shetty Son Bahubali Dance: Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty and her husband Raj Kundra often share videos on social media. Recently, he has shared a video of his 6 year old son Viaan, in which Viaan is being seen as 'Bahubali'. In the video, Viaan is trying to give expression to the movie 'Bahubali' as an actor Prabhas. Not only this, they also seem to be doing the work of Same-To-Same Prabhas. The background song of the movie is being played in the background and the Viaan chair is seen on the shoulder.
Chalking the chair ... Not so long after the Viaan becomes tired, it slams the chair and starts dancing. This video of Viaan on social media is increasingly viral. It has got only 15 lakh views in just two days.
After watching Viaan's video on social media, people are calling him 'Chairbali'. Let the Viaan be just 6 years old. But they are quite active in sports. Viaan is the Karate champion in his school. Shilpa has shared several times on her social media account.
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