
Anupama 18th January 2025 Episode | Anupama Today NEW PROMO

Anupama 18th January 2025 Episode | Anupama Today NEW PROMO

Anupama 18th January 2025 Episode | Anupama Today NEW PROMO

In today’s episode, Anil motivates Parag. Neeta asks Anil to be like Parag instead of just praising Parag. Anil asks Neeta not to ruin the festival. He asks Neeta to shut up. Neeta says no one can speak up in front of Moti Baa. Moti Baa stares at Neet. Parag flies the kite. He flies high. Anupama flies the kite too. Rahi asks Anupama to cut the tiger kite. Anil asks Parag to balance his kite.

Prem calls Rahi. He asks Rahi where she is. Rahi tells Prem that they are at Kothari mansion. Moti Baa asks Khyati to hold the thread. She says a wife should know when to tease her husband. There, Prem asks Anupama who she is competing with. Rahi says they don’t know. Prem sees the tiger kite and remembers the past. Parag misses Prem. Moti Baa says Prem will come back soon. Parag says Prem didn’t ask before going, nor will he come back on calling.

Anil asks Parag to take care of his kite. Anupama cut the tiger kite. She is shocked to learn that she cut Parag’s kite. The people out there say it’s the first time someone has cut Parag’s kite. Anupama says that she was flying the kite to please the kid. Parag asks Anil to give a prize to Anupama. He refuses to eat the food prepared by Anupama. Gautam asks Anupama to get out. Rahi asks Gautam to behave because she will not tolerate Anupama’s disrespect. Anupama asks Rahi to leave Gautam. Parag supports Gautam.

Parag gives money to Anupama. Anupama refuses to take the money. She asks Parag not to disrespect the food. Anupama asks what wrong she did. Parag says Anupama tried to compete with her above her standard. Parag says Anupama has disrespected Moti Baa. Anupama says Parag his hiding the real reason. She says Parag’s ego is hurt because his kite is cut. Parag asks Anupama not to test his patience. Anupama asks Parag not to test his patience. She wishes not to meet Kothari’s again.

Prem returns home. Mahi gets excited to see Prem. Paritosh says Kothari’s might be impressed with Anupama’s food. They think Kothari’s might have rewarded Anupama. Anupama and Rahi return home. The Shahs ask Anupama what happened.

Paritosh asks Anupama if she seriously fought with the Kotharis. Anupama asks Paritosh to stop lecturing. Paritosh says Anupama and Rahi are crazy to fight by Kotharis. Rahi says Kotharis are arrogant. Paritosh says rich people are arrogant and they should handle it. The Shahs blame Anupama.

Precap: Anupama and Rahi refuse to work for Parag. Prem returns home. Anupama and Rahi are shocked to learn Prem’s truth.

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